Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cough Cough

Last night was another kick in the gut. I had been having trouble all day yesterday trying to breathe. I had a couple of asthma attacks. By the time bed came around, I thought I am was doing better. Nope, I was wrong! After reading for awhile around midnight, I turned out the light and tried to sleep. I laid there for about 30 minutes and was just peachy. Then about 1:30 am as the dream world approached, it got torn away. I woke up hacking and choking. I sit up and took some puffs on my inhaler. No help. Wait a few minutes, getting a drink and a cough drop. Take a few more puffs and so on. My side (where the collapsed lung is) was so sore I can not even explain! I was up for 2 hours trying to choke to death.

Luckily Jimmy had fallen asleep downstairs watching the NCAA championship...go North Carolina!! Anyway, Jimmy comes up at 4am to go to work. He see me sitting at my computer and not asleep and is concerned. So I tried to diminish the whole thing as to not worry him. I did tell him I was up hacking but not how bad it was. (He still called this morning and wants me to go back to the doctor.)

I forced myself to lay down again about 4:30. I must have went to bed about 5. Mary woke me up at 7:30am ready for breakfast. It's good to be a mom.

Today I am dragging butt. I feel like a have a sword stuck in my side and can not get comfortable. I decided I needed a sit down project. I decided to put all my photographs in boxes, in year order. It wasn't too bad. Good to see all those memories. I even had Mary crawl under my bed and get all the stuff out of there. Don't worry she loved it. She says it can be her room now. She is so silly!

Now here I sit at 3:42 pm, wondering if I will ever sleep again? If I do go to sleep will I wake up choking gain? If so, will I not be able to go back to bed like last night? SO many questions.

On a lighter note:
I finished "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas". If you like books on the Holocaust, this is a good one. It is written through a very innocent child's eyes. Very short and good read (about 200 pages).

I started "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown last night. He is the author of "The Da Vinci Code". Robert Langdon is the main character from both books. So far 20 pages in , I am hooked. He is such a good writer. It is 569 pages, so it will be awhile before I post a review. Expect it in a few days to a week depending on the kids.

Hope this finds you well.


  1. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this! If you're not better soon...I agree that you need to go back to the Dr.

    Mary is so cute - I can just see her crawling under your bed to help you.

    I told Kenny that when Angels & Demons comes out in May we have to have a date night. Sad that I have to try and get on his schedule before the Army does!!

    Take care and feel better soon!

  2. I am so sorry you are feeling sick again. :(

    The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was so sad, but so good. I think it was made into a movie. And Angels and Demons is so much better than The Da Vinci Code, in my opinion. Enjoy! I think it's weird that they did the movies out of order.
